Love your contrarian title and the call to not be so obsessed with our habits that we miss out on the richness of life that you describe so well.

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Special days like the one you described come fewer and further between than the number of tasks on a to-do list. The to-do list will be there tomorrow, I constantly have to remind myself, this sunrise will not.

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Thank you, Haley.

That is exactly what I had in mind.

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Very refreshing! A good antidote to hustle/streak culture. Also loved the opening stanza - some serious "awareness" to capture an autumn morning in such rich detail.

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Drake. I loved this essay. From your description of a New England fall day (brought me back to my time in Maine) to the lessons, this is exactly what I've been thinking about and needing to hear.

Thanks for sharing.

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I am so pleased that you read this Latham.

Thank you.

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What a wonderful essay, Drake! It was lovely chatting with you about this idea, and lovely reading it too. There is so much beauty we miss when we get caught up in the haze of rushed days — finding our own rhythm and seizing moments of mindfulness are much more fulfilling than check marks!

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Thank you, Erin. Great summary in your last sentence in the comment!

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